A Welcome Rest – Now Let’s Think and Plan

After last month’s craziness of Google releasing 3 major updates within days of each other, this month has been relatively calm.  Google did release a minor refresh of their Panda update and that’s pretty much it.  Well, technically, Google released about 50 updates, but they were very minor and most had no real effect on search results in the U.S.

Bing also had a very quiet month with no significant updates to their algorithm.

When we have these months of relative calm it’s good to take a step back, catch your breathe, review what you are doing to improve your search rankings.  Here are some question you may want to ask yourself:

  1. Are you following the rules?  If you are getting nervous every time you hear about an update because you’ve used some less-than-white-hat methods of optimization, fix it!  There’s no reason to wait until you’ve been penalized, living in fear.  If you’ve got an SEO service with us (OurChurch.Com), then you can rest assured that the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) being done for your site is all on the up and up.
  2. Are you getting links?  Links are important to SEO.  Yes, you can rank for some keywords just with on-page optimization, but you can rank for better and more popular keywords if you are getting link.  If you don’t have a link building strategy or you’re not implementing it, it’s time to start working on that.  If you have OurChurch.Com’s Standard SEO Management service, perhaps it’s time to start thinking about the Progressive SEO Management service which includes link building.
  3. Are you getting citations?  If you are a local organizations, citations are important for establishing to Google and Bing that you are a real organization and that people think you are important. Citations are anywhere on the web that your organization name, address and phone number are listed.  It’s good to also have a link to your website, but it isn’t necessary.  Do you have a plan to get citations for your organization?  If you have one of OurChurch.Com’s local SEO services, have you also gotten our Citations service?

SEO is an ongoing process and a competition.  Once you’ve taken one step to improve your search rankings, you have to start working on the next step.  If you just stand on the work you’ve done, you could very well see your competition passing you by.  So, what’s your next step?

Share with us!

  • What is the next thing you are going to do to improve your rankings?
photo by: o palsson

4 Responses to “A Welcome Rest – Now Let’s Think and Plan”

  1. First of all thanks for all you are doing for Christian Sites and SEO. I have a couple of questions.
    1. I currently have my Men's Ministry site http://www.mensgroup.org up with web.com with a basic "Template Design". Can you help me improve my SEO and traffic to the site while still using web.com?.
    2. What are the types of support do you provide and cost range?

    • Thanks Marsh. My mission is to help others to achieve their mission online and partnering with people to help with SEO is one way that I try to do that. I'm glad you like the site.

      I visited your website and was inspired by your work to minister to Christian men. To answer your first question, yes, I can help you with your SEO to bring more traffic to your site regardless of where your website is hosted. The only issue that ever arises from sites hosted somewhere other than OurChurch.Com is whether the web builder being used limits the SEO I can do on the site, but I can usually find a way to fully optimize any website. As to your second question, I provide several SEO services that range from $149 – $749 per month and can always create a custom service as well. So, we can come up with a service best helps you to accomplish the mission you have for your website/ministry and fits your resources.

      I'll send you an email to the account you used to make this comment and we can talk further about the mission you have for your site and come up with the best SEO solution.

      God bless!

  2. Yes, Google had gone furious and made good number of updates in a very short period, since they all were small they did not have much effect either on the websites, It recently updated Panda to new version 23 on December 21st which affected 1.3 % of the queries.

  3. Yeah, citations will make more sense in this year. It think SEO became more like marketing nowadays