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New SEO Series on TentBlogger

New SEO Series on TentBlogger

John Saddington over at has started a series about SEO and blogging.  John is a professional blogger (he makes his living blogging…pretty cool) and I’m sure will have some key insights into the use of SEO on a blog. “As a seasoned Professional Blogger I will be the first to tell you that SEO […]

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DIY SEO #8:Determining the Competitiveness of Your Local Competition

As a local organization, determining the competitiveness of your competition can be tricky.  You need to search both regular keywords (no local modifiers) and local keywords.  You will most likely find both other local organizations and national organizations in the results.  If that isn’t enough, you also aren’t playing on a level playing field. You’re Special […]

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Who is Jesus in Google page 2 screenshot

Who Is Jesus?…According to Google

I believe SEO is critically important for the Christian church.  Search engines control much of the information people receive, the answers they find and SEO effects the search engines.  So, I was thinking about this the other day and thought to myself, “If people use Google to find information (and they do), what would people […]

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DIY SEO #7: Keyword Competition Research for Churches

Keyword competition research is going to be much more important if you are planning to optimize for the ministries in your church as opposed to just church specific keywords (e.g. “churches in Crescent City, CA”).  If you are optimizing for only church specific keywords, you probably don’t have that many keywords on your list which […]

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DIY SEO #7: Keyword Competition Research for Businesses

DIY SEO #7: Keyword Competition Research for Businesses

If you are a business that sells lots of products, I don’t recommend doing keyword competition for all your products.  It would simply take too long.  Instead, pick out your most important products, be they the most profitable or the most popular, and do competition research on those products. When you’re talking about keywords for […]

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DIY SEO #7: Keyword Competition Research for Local Organizations

As you are performing competition research for your keywords there are a couple of things to keep in mind. 1. This is for universal search, not local. The competition research we are working on right now is related to the universal (or general) search results, not the local search results.  So, if you do the […]

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Google Analytics Now Gives Site Speed Stats

Google Analytics Now Gives Site Speed Stats

Google Analytics has a new version out on beta.  In this new version of Analytics they now have a new feature allowing you to track the page load times for your website.  Find out if your website is blazing fast or slow as molasses.  Here’s how. Google recently announced in a blog post their new Site […]

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DIY SEO #5: Keyword Popularity Research for Businesses

DIY SEO #5: Keyword Popularity Research for Businesses

For businesses, keyword research can become overly burdensome and tedious.  It’s tedious work anyway, but if your business has hundreds or thousands of products that you sell, then the task can seem impossible, especially if you consider all the different ways a customer may search for just one of those products. Instead of researching hundreds […]

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DIY SEO #5: Keyword Popularity Research for Churches

DIY SEO #5: Keyword Popularity Research for Churches

When doing popularity research for church related keywords, you will most likely find that there are very few keywords which actually return estimated searches and those figures are probably pretty small, maybe only 10-20 searches a month.  There are two main reasons for this: You are researching a niche topic within a local area. Even […]

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DIY SEO #4: Getting Keyword Suggestions From Your Local Competition

DIY SEO #4: Getting Keyword Suggestions From Your Local Competition

When looking for your competition, you may find some national businesses or ministries listed in the search results.  It makes sense.  If they organization is national, that would also include your local area.  It’s an unfortunate reality that you local organization is competing with national entities. When looking at your competition for keyword research (as […]

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